Key Planning Tasks
Deadline: Friday, 6th January 2017
You must complete the following tasks and post them on your blog:
- Create a rough draft of your music magazine front cover.
- Create a rough draft of your music magazine contents page.
- Create a rough draft of the layout for your music magazine double page spread. You do not need to write the article yet!
You should present the drafts of your pages using Prezi. You will need to annotate your pages by explaining the decisions that you have made using the appropriate technical terminology.
An A grade example of the task has been posted on the blog for you to use as a model.
The planning for all three pages should be on your blog by Friday, 6th January 2017.
You will then start making your music magazine pages.
You will be responsible for creating your own deadlines for the completion of each of the pages.
All three pages should be completed by:
Friday, 31st March 2017
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